Modelling and Validating Pilots Visual Attention Allocation during the Interaction with an Advanced Flight Management System (bibtex)
by Frische, Florian, Osterloh, Jan Patrick and Lüdtke, Andreas
Frische, Florian, Osterloh, Jan Patrick and Lüdtke, Andreas, "Modelling and Validating Pilots Visual Attention Allocation during the Interaction with an Advanced Flight Management System", In Proceedings of Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation (HMAT), Springer, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Frische, Florian and Osterloh, Jan Patrick and L{\"u}dtke, Andreas},
  title = {Modelling and Validating Pilots Visual Attention Allocation during
	the Interaction with an Advanced Flight Management System},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation (HMAT)},
  year = {2010},
  month = {08},
  organization = {HUMAN, IsiPADAS, ITERATE},
  publisher = {Springer},
  note = {This paper presents the results of our analysis of human pilot behaviour
	and of a cognitive pilot model.We have performed experiments in a
	flight simulator including a new 4D flight management system (FMS)
	in order to gather information about the interaction of human pilots
	with the new FMS and to validate the performance of the cognitive
	pilot model. This paper focuses on the visual attention allocation
	of human pilots and on the validation of the visual perception component
	of the pilot model.}
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