Cognitive Modelling of Pilot Errors and Error Recovery in Flight Management Tasks (bibtex)
by Lüdtke, Andreas, Osterloh, Jan Patrick, Mioch, Tina, Rister, Frank and Looije, Rosemarijn
Lüdtke, Andreas, Osterloh, Jan Patrick, Mioch, Tina, Rister, Frank and Looije, Rosemarijn, "Cognitive Modelling of Pilot Errors and Error Recovery in Flight Management Tasks", In Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development Systems Development (HESSD), Springer, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {L{\"u}dtke, Andreas and Osterloh, Jan Patrick and Mioch, Tina and
	Rister, Frank and Looije, Rosemarijn},
  title = {Cognitive Modelling of Pilot Errors and Error Recovery in Flight
	Management Tasks},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Human Error, Safety
	and Systems Development Systems Development (HESSD)},
  year = {2009},
  series = {LNCS 5962},
  month = {10},
  organization = {IFIP TC13.5},
  publisher = {Springer},
  note = {This paper presents a cognitive modelling approach to predict pilot
	errors and error recovery during the interaction with aircraft cockpit
	systems. The model is able to execute flight procedures in a virtual
	simulation environment and to produce simulation traces. We present
	traces for the interaction with a future Flight Management System
	that show in detail the dependencies of two cognitive error production
	mechanisms that are integrated in the model: Learned Carelessness
	and Cognitive Lockup. The traces provide a basis for later comparison
	with human data in order to validate the model. The ultimate goal
	of the work is to apply the model within a method for the analysis
	of human errors to support human centred design of cockpit systems.
	As an example we analyze the perception of automatic flight mode
  isbn = {364211749X}
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