KONECT: Implementation and Extension of a Method for the Development of Safety-Critical Human-Machine Interaction Interfaces (bibtex)
by Saager, Marcel, Osterloh, Jan-Patrick and Brück, Yvonne
Saager, Marcel, Osterloh, Jan-Patrick and Brück, Yvonne, "KONECT: Implementation and Extension of a Method for the Development of Safety-Critical Human-Machine Interaction Interfaces", In Human Factors in Software and Systems Engineering, AHFE International, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{Saager_2022, series={AHFE 2022}, title={KONECT: Implementation and Extension of a Method for the Development of Safety-Critical Human-Machine Interaction Interfaces}, ISSN={2771-0718}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1002515}, DOI={10.54941/ahfe1002515}, booktitle={Human Factors in Software and Systems Engineering}, publisher={AHFE International}, author={Saager, Marcel and Osterloh, Jan-Patrick and Brück, Yvonne}, year={2022}, collection={AHFE 2022} }
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