Automated UI evaluation based on a cognitive architecture and UsiXML (bibtex)
by González-Calleros, Juan Manuel, Osterloh, Jan Patrick, Feil, Rene and Lüdtke, Andreas
González-Calleros, Juan Manuel, Osterloh, Jan Patrick, Feil, Rene and Lüdtke, Andreas, "Automated UI evaluation based on a cognitive architecture and UsiXML", Science of Computer Programming Journal – Special issue on Software Support for User Interface Description Languages (UIDL 2011), vol. 86, pp. 43-57, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Gonz{\'a}lez-Calleros, Juan Manuel and Osterloh, Jan Patrick and
	Feil, Rene and L{\"u}dtke, Andreas},
  title = {Automated UI evaluation based on a cognitive architecture and UsiXML},
  journal = {Science of Computer Programming Journal -- Special issue on Software
	Support for User Interface Description Languages (UIDL 2011)},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {86},
  pages = {43-57},
  month = {June},
  note = {ISSN 0167-6423, published online 2013},
  doi = {},
  owner = {patrick},
  timestamp = {2013.08.23}
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