A model-based Design of Dynamic Approach Stabilization Advisory System (bibtex)
by Lacko, Ivan, Rister, Frank, Osterloh, Jan Patrick, Dehais, Frédéric and Lüdtke, Andreas
Lacko, Ivan, Rister, Frank, Osterloh, Jan Patrick, Dehais, Frédéric and Lüdtke, Andreas, "A model-based Design of Dynamic Approach Stabilization Advisory System", In Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation (MOSATT) 2013, Kosice, Slovakia, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Lacko, Ivan and Rister, Frank and Osterloh, Jan Patrick and Dehais,
	Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and L{\"u}dtke, Andreas},
  title = {A model-based Design of Dynamic Approach Stabilization Advisory System},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Modern Safety
	Technologies in Transportation (MOSATT) 2013},
  year = {2013},
  address = {Kosice, Slovakia},
  month = {24th-26th September}
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