Professional Experience
2020 - now | OFFIS, Oldenburg MIMO-Air I'm doing research on situation awareness of ground station operators for autonomous air-taxis |
2020 - now | OFFIS, Oldenburg SituWare I'm doing research on situation awareness in handover processes in automated driving |
2018 - 2020 | OFFIS, Oldenburg Cocomo I'm doing research on knowledge based assistance |
2016 - 2018 | OFFIS, Oldenburg CSE2 I'm doing research on workload prediction in cognitive models, and work on driver modelling |
2013 - 2016 | OFFIS, Oldenburg HoliDes Beside managing the modelling workpackage in HoliDes, I'm doing research on training models and transition training for pilots, and continue the development of virtual pilots |
2013 - 2014 | OFFIS, Oldenburg D3CoS Responsible for the administrative project management of D3CoS, a project with 21 partners from seven different EU countries |
2011 - 2014 | OFFIS, Oldenburg D3CoS I contributed to the development of virtual pilots |
2009 | Appointment as Senior Research Engineer at OFFIS, Oldenburg |
2008 - 2011 | OFFIS, Oldenburg HUMAN I contributed to the development of virtual pilots |
2005 - 2008 | OFFIS, Oldenburg DEMS I contributed to the formal verification of business processes and power nets |
2002 - 2005 | OFFIS, Oldenburg mileET & InPULSE As a student, I worked in a team as programmer in two projects, where we programmed learning tools on software design patterns and electrotechnics |